The Power and Perks of Modern Cosmetic Dental Work in Chicago

by | Oct 13, 2022 | Dental

If you want to improve your smile, cosmetic dentistry in Chicago could be the solution. This type of dental work corrects gaps, misalignments, discoloration, and broken teeth. Some of the processes are relatively quick also.


In the past, metal braces were one of the only options available to straighten a smile. Today, there are invisible appliances that correct misalignments. The transparent devices subtly shift teeth. Depending on the degree of straightening required and how often you wear the clear device, you can see results in as little as six months.


If you chip a tooth, a specialist in cosmetic dentistry in Chicago can apply a porcelain veneer to it. These caps fit over the broken tooth, so you do not have to have it pulled out. The porcelain will appear like the surrounding teeth, and no one will notice it. These applications last for many years. Veneers can also hide misshapen or worn teeth.


Teeth can become stained naturally over time or by certain foods and beverages. Medications can also change the color of teeth. Having the surfaces professionally whitened removes the discoloration caused by wine, tobacco, age, and other conditions. It does not take long for you to have white teeth that shine. The procedure takes about one hour. It involves gel and a unique lighting tool. The two work together to brighten your smile. You can also learn how to keep your teeth white during the visit. For more information on cosmetic dentistry in Chicago, contact Windy City Family Dental.

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