Lead based paints were commonly used for painting the walls of homes. However, this was stopped in the 1970s. This was after it was discovered that lead based paints crumbled and formed dust when they aged. When this dust was inhaled it resulted in serious health problems. The most vulnerable to lead poisoning were found to be pregnant women and children.
Although no lead based paints are sold anymore, there are some homes that still have these paints on their walls. If you live in a home that has a lead based paint on the wall, it is necessary to ensure that you undertake lead removal Upper Arlington OH to protect the health of the occupants of your home.
There are several methods used today for lead removal. The first method involves scrapping the wall paint off the wall. You may choose to scrap the paint off the wall using a wire brush. You can also scrap it using the wet hand scraping method aided by an abrasive compound or non-flammable solvent.
Some areas in the room however, cannot be scrapped using the wire brush or wet hand method. These areas are either too small or made of a material that would be destroyed if scrapped. These areas include windowsills and wooden doors. You can use liquid paint removers for these areas. It is important to read the manufacturer’s instructions when using these removers for lead removal Upper Arlington OH. You should also read the warning labels before purchasing them.
You can also use sanding for lead removal. You should never use dry hand sanding for the removal of lead based paints. There are only two methods of sanding that are safe to use for the removal of these paints. These are electric sanding (ensure that a HEPA filter has been attached) and wet hand sanding.
The final method for Lead removal Upper Arlington OH involves the use of a heat gun. This is known as heat stripping. This method should only be used by professional contractors trained in the removal of lead as there are many risks involved in the removal of lead based paints using this heat gun. The first is exposure to fire hazards. The heat produced by the heat gun can easily cause a fire if caution is not taken in handling the gun. The second is exposure to lead vapor and dust. The gun results in the production of vapors and dust that contain lead increasing the risk of exposure to lead poisoning.
It is important to purchase and use proper personal protective equipment such as masks, goggles and gloves when removing lead based paints. This will reduce your exposure to the metal.