When you are involved in an accident or suffer an illness that is affecting your work and livelihood, you should contact the SSD law firm in Stockton for a consultation with a disability lawyer. Social security disability cases are complex. Without proper legal advice, you could join the list of thousands who’ve been denied the benefits before. So then, when should you contact the SSD law firm in Stockton?
Well, the most appropriate answer to this question is, ‘the earlier, the better.’ Contacting the legal experts on time makes it easy for them to evaluate the strength of your case and take the necessary steps. A social disability lawyer is able to move your case faster, especially if your condition is dire. A better example here is those suffering from a terminal medical condition.
Contacting the legal firms earlier also enables them to prepare for an appeal should your case be dropped off in the first application. The truth is Social Security Administration denies a high percentage of applications. However, they will always give you a second chance to prove your case. In that case, the legal experts can re-evaluate your application and identify areas that need clarity or documentation. Your lawyers will certainly need more time since the appeal process can be intense.
Pena & Bromberg is a reputable SSD law firm in Stockton. We represent SSDI claimants at administrative hearings. Also, we are always ready to represent you in court hearings to ensure you receive the benefits you deserve. If you are interested in our services, you should contact us today. Also, you can visit our site for more info.