Need Help? Come Into Sr22 Insurance In Chicago IL Today

by | Mar 19, 2013 | insurance

*      Traffic Offences?

*      Driving with no insurance and had an accident?

*      Drinking while under the influence of alcohol?

*      Too many speeding tickets or parking tickets in a short space of time?

*      License Suspended for other faults?

See our agents in Sr22 Insurance Chicago IL and they will help sort out an insurance that will cover you to drive again. It is important for the state to keep in touch with your insurance company to ensure that you are following the rules of the road and your penalty is being paid. Filing for the form is done by your insurance company and is an extra cost on top of your liability insurance. The cost takes into consideration your age, driving record, gender and what your insurance coverage is already. If you fail to keep up the payments your agent will have to inform the courts and you could be in danger of losing your licence again. Getting pulled over by the police and not being able to produce your Sr22 form will result in another court proceeding and possibility of losing your licence. Make sure you have your form on your person or a safe place in the car at all times to avoid such unpleasantness.

You can receive one of the following forms for what you´re situation calls for.

*      Operator´s Certificate – If you drive a car that is not owned by you then this form will enable you to drive the vehicle with the owner´s permission.

*      Owner´s Certificate – This form covers you to drive your own car. The type of car you are driving must be listed on the Sr22 form.

*      Operators-Owners Certificate – This form will cover you for any car that is owned by yourself or owned by others. Of course driving other cars you must have the permission of the owner.

You can only get the forms through your insurance company and at Sr22 Insurance Chicago IL will help you fill out these forms and file them for you. There is no other way to get these forms as it is connected with the courts and Department of motor vehicles. When you have fulfilled your time, which can be up to 3 years, or the policy has been cancelled, or expires for any reason at all your agent will file a SR26 form that relieves you of that part of your insurance. You must continue to pay your liability insurance. This form is to tell the government that you are legally insured and you are continuing to pay your premiums.

Any changes in your circumstances such as travelling out of state or moving our agents at Sr22 Insurance Chicago SL will advise you if you need to apply for a new Sr22 form in the state you are going to.



Come into our offices and talk to our fully trained and friendly experts today to find the best sr22 Insurance option in Chicago IL. For details visit



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