How to Save on Heating Oil Norwich CT

by | Mar 19, 2013 | Business

There are various strategies that can be employed to make you save some money on heating oil Norwich CT. Some of the common strategies include:

Comparing offers from different oil companies- There are many heating oil supplying companies in Norwich CT. Whenever you are buying oil, you should not just make the purchase from the first supplying company that you come across. Instead, it is imperative to consult different supplying companies and compare the prices they charge for the oil. Of course, different oil supplying companies charge different prices. By shopping around, you will be in a position to access good deals and you could end up making great financial savings.

The other strategy that can help you make great savings on heating oil Norwich CT is by ensuring that you fill up during the off-season. Usually, the prices of oil go up in the winter season when the oil demand surges. Therefore, you can make great savings by deciding to fill up your tank during the summer season. In the summer season, many people will not be thinking about heating oil but will instead be thinking of air conditioners and other appliances that could reduce the summer heat. Ensure that you purchase oil during this season and keep it in stock.

Just like with other commodities, heating oil may also have discounts. Therefore, as you buy oil, you may call the customer services personnel and find out about the various discounts that you qualify for. If you hear of a discount that you are likely to qualify for, you should grab the opportunity immediately. You could access some discounts through bulk buying and you may also get some discounts if you are a senior citizen. Take advantage of any discounts available as these could help you make great financial savings.

Whenever you are buying heating oil from a certain supplier, you should ensure that you avoid hidden fees. Ensure that you will have the oil bill broken down so that you can be aware of all the charges being made to you. Once your bill is broken down, you will be in a position to identify any hidden fees and you can always make an enquiry about it. If anything sounds excessive or unnecessary, ensure that you question it. You should avoid being overcharged at all costs. Some of the costs that you should look out for include delivery charges and some premium charges that may be placed for deliveries made after hours or during the weekend. Such premium charges can be avoided.

Another good strategy that can help you save on the heating oil Norwich CT is by cutting down on oil usage. Once you buy oil, avoid misusing it unnecessarily. Ensure that you use the oil as optimally as possible as this will help you make great savings.


For additional information on heating oil in Norwich, CT and also some strategies that can be adopted to help make savings on heating oil in Norwich CT, visit!

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