If you watch any television, you are bound to see ads from law firms asking you to contact them if you have been involved in things like defective products, sexual abuse, contaminated water, or other situations for which they are trying to form a class action.
In case you are not sure what a class action lawsuit is, the definition is a procedural concept that permits one plaintiff (or more) to file a lawsuit against people or, in most cases, a company or an organization. The next step is to either go to trial or negotiate a settlement on behalf of the plaintiff. This suit can be for the benefit of a ‘class’ or large group of people, all with the same claim against the defendant. This takes the group of those suing and allows the lawyer to represent them as though they were one person. If they win, funds, minus fees, are distributed equally to each member of the group.
If you believe you were harmed by a product or company, you should research whether or not there is currently a class action suit being created for this matter. If there is, and you choose to join, you will have to give up your rights to sue alone.
There are law firms and attorneys who have class action suits as their only area of practice. If you are looking for a class action lawyer in Chicago, please consult with the Zimmerman Law Offices, P.C. Lawyers from all around the country can create classes from everywhere in the US. Please consult them for class action lawyers in Chicago for more details.