3 Signs That You’re a Candidate for Dental Implants in South Loop

by | Oct 13, 2022 | Dental

Your teeth don’t look all that great these days. That has led you to wonder if getting dental implants in South Loop would be a good idea. If any of the following is true, your dentist may be willing to discuss this option with you.

If you’ve lost several teeth, implants may be a better choice than using bridges. That’s because the implants would remain in place without any chance of slipping. The caps for each implant can be shaped so that they’re a perfect fit and look just like the type of teeth they are replacing.

Another issue may have to do with tooth decay. Perhaps you have a few teeth that are so decayed that using fillings and veneers doesn’t seem worth the trouble. In this scenario, the dentist may recommend extracting the teeth and investing in implants as a way to restore the look of your teeth.

If an accident or other event has left numerous teeth damaged, the cost of rebuilding them could be prohibitive. That’s assuming there’s enough left of each tooth to bother with rebuilding at all. Opting to remove the damaged teeth and replace them with dental implants in South Loop could be faster and produce better results.

Talk with your dentist about the state of your teeth and what could be done to make your smile better. There’s a chance that you will find that the professional agrees going for implants are the most practical solution.

For more information, please contact Art Of Modern Dentistry today.

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