If you are planning on filing a claim for SSDI and think that you can do it alone, then you definitely want to think again. This is because getting an SSDI claim approved can be quite difficult. This is why social security disability lawyers in San Francisco, CA, can be crucial for your claim to be approved.
Appeal Your Denial
Almost all claims are denied the first time around. This is where an experienced attorney can come into play. They will analyze your denial and tell you what your best options are in regard to response and appeal. Without this expert analysis, your claim is likely to be denied a second time.
Gathering Evidence
One thing that attorneys do very well is gather evidence, and this is especially true when it comes to SSDI claims. An experienced lawyer will be able to use their resources to gather all necessary medical evidence so that you can submit it as part of your appeal.
Expert Witnesses
When it comes to testimony in front of a judge, you will definitely want to have expert witnesses on your side who can attest to your need to have your claim approved. This looks favorable in the eyes of the administrative judge and will go a long way toward getting you a favorable decision.
When facing a judge at a hearing, having social security disability lawyers in San Francisco, CA, represent you and help you prepare can be a very good asset to your case.
Please contact Patrick J Kelly Law Office for a consultation.