Getting pulled over by the police in any situation is an unnerving experience. It can be especially frightening if you’ve had a few drinks. Even if you don’t feel impaired, the police might still test your sobriety or charge you with driving under the influence. While arguing with the police won’t help your situation, hiring a DWI lawyer in San Antonio is just one of the things you can do to help yourself.
Stay Calm and Polite
From the moment the police direct you to pull over, it’s especially important to be cooperative. Resisting a police stop or arguing with the police will likely escalate the situation. By remaining calm and polite, you’ll get more out of the interaction. The police will be more communicative, and this can help you learn why they pulled you over.
Be Careful Not to Overshare
When talking to the police, nervous people tend to ramble and provide more information than necessary. This often results in statements that the police will use against them when charges are filed. To avoid this situation, limit your answers to providing your name, contact information, vehicle registration, and insurance information.
Talk to an Attorney
In some cases, the officer might arrest you after you fail the field sobriety test. Alternatively, they might issue a court summons and allow you to take a taxi home. In either situation, you should consult a DWI lawyer in San Antonio as soon as possible. An experienced lawyer will know how to defend you and they may be able to get your charges reduced or dismissed.
When you need legal representation or advice, schedule a consultation with the Law Office of Jesse Hernandez. Visit for more information!