What Happens to My Solar Home in the Event of a Fire?

by | Oct 27, 2021 | Solar

It’s unlikely that NJ solar panels will cause a fire. However, firefighters can experience complications in responding when a solar home in NJ suffers a fire. According to the National Fire Protection Research Foundation, there are few instances of fire caused or linked to solar panels. It shows that the solar power industry has a relatively good track record on fire safety.

However, solar panel homes are not yet in the clear when it comes to fire. Firefighters find solar homes troublesome because of all the power and energy it stores. A solar panel has more than enough power to jeopardize a person’s life. For that reason, solar is the one thing that firefighters fear far more than fire. Moreover, there is the fact that while a solar panel is getting sunlight, there’s no way to turn it off.

When its daylight, home solar systems NJ would have enough power and current to harm or even kill anyone who comes in contact with the energized conductors. While they may not cause a fire, it becomes a safety issue for the firefighters to deal with solar homes during daylight. Roof access is crucial to firefighters, and solar panels are situated on the roof, making it hard to deal with them.

How to Ensure Fire Safety of Your NJ Solar Panels

Seeing the possible problems concerning fire safety with solar panels, the NJ solar power industry deal with the problem with several safety measures. In New Jersey, in place are national building codes requiring solar technology to have a rapid shutdown feature. Moreover, some municipalities require a 3-foot setback surrounding the solar array.

Firefighter Training is Essential

This way, firefighters can have access to the roof ensuring their safety during fires. At the same time, it allows a space where the smoke can vent. Besides the setback and the rapid shutdown, the training of firefighters is the most critical. The proper training of firefighters will help alleviate the misconceptions against the risk of fire as well as how to deal with the justified risks more effectively.

Switch Off and Shut Down Features

Every home solar system in NJ is fitted with an AC/DC disconnect switch. The switch is located away from the roof, allowing the system to be turned off as well as the electricity from running. In New Jersey, most inverters are like optimizers while the microinverters can shut down the system when the panel reaches too high of a temperature.

Additionally, most of the solar arrays in New Jersey can be turned off using an online monitoring portal. It provides a way to ensure the safety of fire and electrocution during emergency situations with minimized risks. Almost all solar homes in NJ can be vented through an opposite roof plant. It’s where solar panels are installed instead of just on one side.

These are precautions placed and must be secured in home solar systems in NJ to minimize the risk of fire. For a prospective solar buyer, they can rest assured that the risk of their home burning to the ground because of solar panels is no longer. The solar panels’ technology, the electrical codes, the building, as well as the training of firefighters are now much better for dealing with the risk of fire.

Contact Green Power Energy to learn more.

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