What Can Job-Related Lawyers in Minnesota Do?

by | Oct 13, 2023 | Attorney

No employee wants to think about suing their boss. It’s much less hassle just to keep your head down and keep doing your job. However, sometimes you have no choice but to take legal matters into your own hands if work conditions are affecting your well-being and livelihood. Finding an attorney for job-related issues is the first step toward improving your situation.

You may be wondering what an attorney can do for you or if calling a lawyer may be futile. Here are a few things that an attorney can help you with.

Worker’s Compensation

If you’ve been injured while at work, then an experienced job-related lawyers in Minnesota can help you get worker’s compensation, a payment that ensures you don’t have to worry about your income while you are recovering. A good attorney will help you build your case and outline how much compensation you are entitled to receive.

Fighting Wrongful Termination

If you’ve been fired and believe that it happened unfairly, then an attorney can help you fight your termination. If you were injured and then got fired or demoted, an attorney can help you get compensation for that as well.

Filing for PERA/MSRS Disability

In our state, first responders who are injured in the line of duty are eligible for a special disability program called PERA/MSRS. Job-related lawyers in Minnesota can help you file this claim if you are a police officer, state trooper, or from another eligible profession.

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