The Small Family Farms Around Avon IN Deserve the Best Ag Service

by | Feb 24, 2022 | Agricultural Service

Beautiful Hendricks County, Indiana is known for its small family farms. While the county is around 20 miles from the urban metropolis of Indianapolis, it feels like stepping back into a simpler time. From bucolic farms to quaint towns like Avon and stands of Eastern Redbud, it’s a far cry from the big city. Avon and Hendricks County are beautiful places to live, farm, and raise a family.

While the farms around Hendricks County are small, that doesn’t make Ag consulting in Avon IN, any less important. Consulting with a trained agronomist is one of the best ways to find out what your soil and plants need, to increase yield. They can advise you about all of the latest products, from fertilizers to pesticides. They also have a fleet of application equipment they can bring right to the farm.

Ag consulting in Avon, IN, also can supply Hendricks County farms with treated seeds tailored to the region. After researching the county’s soil types, weeds, insect pests, and plant diseases, they’ve chosen the right seeds and treatments for the region. This practically guarantees a successful harvest.

Not only does an Ag service in Avon, IN, supply seed to plant, but they also supply animal feed. Your animals can even feast on Indiana and Michigan-produced organic feed. You’ll also be supplied with a range of animal nutrition supplements to keep your pigs, cows, and chickens healthy and happy.

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