Important Reasons for Alzheimer’s Respite Care in Melbourne, FL

by | Dec 7, 2022 | Assisted Living

About 80% of people with Alzheimer’s disease are cared for at home, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Caregivers, who often work full-time and have other obligations, may start to feel overwhelmed with everything they must accomplish. Alzheimer’s respite care in Melbourne, FL allows them to have a much-needed break, which can be crucial for mental and physical health.

Examples of Living Arrangements

Some dementia patients continue living in their own home with family members spending considerable time there. Others are able to stay at home because a son or daughter moves in. Another relatively common situation involves the cognitively impaired person moving in with family.

Relevant Statistics

Statistics indicate that about 70% of family caregivers are female. Women have traditionally accepted this as their obligation, and that trend continues today. These individuals typically also are responsible for the majority of housework in their own home if they do not live with the Alzheimer’s patient.

Why Respite Care Is Important

Family caregivers may feel guilty at the thought of bringing a loved one to a community providing respite care. Yet research shows that never getting a break can result in problems such as excessive use of alcohol or other drugs, physical exhaustion and increased episodes of illness. Having no free time for oneself or to spend with friends and other important people takes its toll in many ways.

In addition, the dementia patient usually enjoys going to Alzheimer’s respite care in Melbourne ,FL. This is a welcome change of pace for someone who rarely goes anywhere. It’s a chance to socialize and participate in fun activities.

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