How to Choose a Dog Boarding Facility

by | Jun 5, 2020 | Pet Care

It is common for people to travel on holidays and also to be with friends and families. While making travel plans, some people have to decide where to take their dogs. This is where dog boarding Manhattan services comes in. You do not have to travel with your dog. You could leave your dog in a safe dog boarding facility and travel alone. When choosing a boarding facility, it is imperative to have the best interest of the animal at heart. You should always choose a facility where your dog will be taken maximum care of. How do you go about choosing a boarding facility?

It is imperative to visit and review the boarding facility where you intend to keep your dog. You could review several dog boarding facilities before finally settling for one. As you review the boarding facilities, one of the factors that you have to consider is the cleanliness of the facilities. How clean are the dog kennels? Ensure that the building where your dog will be housed is not only clean but also provides proper ventilation and lighting. This will ensure that your pet will be comfortable enough while you are away.

You may also consider the temperature controls in the dog boarding Manhattan facility. It would be better to go for facilities with regulated temperatures. For instance, during winter, the kennel may need some heating while during summer the kennel may need some cooling. Ensure that your dog will be comfortable while you are gone.

Ensure that you get to interview the boarding facility staff. Are they the kind of people that you feel comfortable to leave your dog with? Do they seem knowledgeable about dog boarding? The type of boarding facility staff available will go a long way in determining how well your dog will be taken care of. Therefore, it is imperative to go for trained and friendly staff. Should you happen to notice some incompetency in the boarding facility staff, it would be wise not to leave your pet there.

It is also imperative to consider whether there are other pets kept in the dog boarding facility. If you have other pets housed in the same facility, ensure that proper precautions have been taken to ensure that different pets won’t interact and cause each other stress. You may also consider other facility rules concerning things like vaccinations, spraying and neutering. If your animal will interact with other pets, ensure that the interaction will be monitored and safe.

You may also want to consider whether the dog boarding offers other services such as grooming and training. Will the facility be willing to accommodate your pets feeding and bathroom schedule? Apparently, there is a wide range of factors to consider while choosing the right dog boarding facility in Manhattan.

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