If you own a car that is inoperable or not worth putting money into it to get it working, you should consider getting cash for it. Junk cars in Blue Island are worth more than you think, and selling your scrap automobile to a scrap metal dealer is easy. In fact, many entrepreneurs have found the scrap metal industry to be quite profitable.
The first step you want to take when selling junk cars in Blue Island is to be sure you actually own the car outright. Do not get yourself in trouble by selling that car for scrap when you do not actually have the title on it. You may be asked by the scrap metal dealer for proof that you own the car, and if you can’t find the title, you can contact your local motor vehicle department to a reissue.
The second step is to clean the car as best you can. Steam clean the engine. Drain the fluids. The cleaner the vehicle the more cash you will get for it. Junk yards will pay more for cars that look presentable as they will in turn sell the parts to buyers. Strip the junk car down. Remove the plastic and any other materials inside, leaving a fairly clean steel frame. Whatever is left they will crush and recycle.
The third tip is to be prepared to negotiate. Contact New Cats Auto Parts to find out what each is willing to offer you for your junk car. Junk cars in Blue Island that are stripped down usually sell for around $150 per ton. If the junk car has not been or flattened, then you can expect around $100 per ton. The average car weighs approximately 1.5 tons, so you should expect to get around $200.
Junk cars near Blue Island – There is money to be made in selling junk cars in Blue Island to scrap metal dealers. Establish a business relationship with junk yards and scrap metal dealers who will buy junk cars in Blue Island, and you may have discovered a profitable business in the scrap metal and salvage business, not to mention you are doing your part to keep neighborhoods looking beautiful.