Do You Need the Help of a Child Support Lawyer in Melrose Park?

by | Aug 20, 2024 | Lawyer

When you have custody of your child, you expect the other parent to be involved and help. Unfortunately, there are many parents who refuse to support their children. This is not fair to you and it certainly is not to your child. If you are bearing the full burden of financially caring for your child, you may want to consider pursuing the other parent through a Child Support lawyer in Melrose Park. A lawyer can help you hold your child’s other parent accountable so they are required to provide ample support.

When you hire a Child Support lawyer in Melrose Park to help you, the lawyer will immediately begin hunting down the responsible party. Often, those who owe child support will try to avoid paying by changing jobs frequently, working under the table, or moving. Your lawyer may use the services of a private investigator to help find the parent.

The lawyer can find out where your child’s parent is residing and where they work. Once this information is discovered, a case can be brought against them in family court. This will allow the judge to order the person to attend court. Once in court, the judge can decree a child support order that orders the defendant to pay to support your child. This may cover child support payments and medical insurance coverage, depending on the situation.

Once the judge makes an order, the defendant will be breaking the law if the payments are not made. Often, judges will rule the payments come directly out of the defendant’s check. Should the defendant refuse to pay up, he or she could be arrested.

Child support is available in divorce, legal separation, and parentage cases, both during the case and thereafter. Child support is generally not available where both parties and the children remain living together during the pendency of the case.

If you are owed child support money it is in your interest to act as quickly as possible. A lawyer can help to advise you in your case and give you information on your rights and the rights of your child. Contact now Gordon & Perlut, LLC.

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