Depression is a serious psychological condition and is also one of the most common forms of adolescent mental health problems that go unnoticed. Teenage depression is commonly missed because the symptoms of depression often mimic symptoms of the onset of pubescence. The teen years have a reputation of being characterized by extreme fluctuations in irritability, mood, increased sleep, and rebellious behavior. It is important to understand the distinction between the symptoms of pubescence and depression because depression in teens cannot be taken lightly.
Symptoms of Teenage Depression
Teenagers in Minneapolis who are experiencing some form of depression should seek help through adolescent therapy in Minneapolis as soon as the symptoms are recognized. It is essential to recognize the difference between normal teenage angst and depression, which is typically related to persistence as well as the relative strength of the symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms of teenage depression may include:
*Frequent crying
*Continually feeling angry and/or irritable
*Feeling sad all of the time
*Feeling worthless, guilty or ashamed
*Changes in eating (eating much more or less than usual)
*Changes in sleeping patterns, including sleeping too much or insomnia
*A noticeable lack of energy
*Withdrawing from family and friends
*Poor concentration
*Decrease in grades
*Lack of interest in usual school and after school activities
*Asking questions about suicide
*Talking about death
*Giving away their belongings
*Lack of enthusiasm
What to Do if You Suspect Your Teen is Depressed
It is critical to keep in mind depression is serious, but with the appropriate adolescent therapy in Minneapolis, it is treatable. The first step is to talk with your teen in a non-judgmental way about giving and getting support. It is important to validate their feelings and to listen without lecturing, interrupting, educating, or other ways of belittling them. The next step is to seek a medical screening from your teen’s primary physician to rule out any medical problems which may be causing their symptoms. If there is no medical cause, your teen’s doctor will be able to refer you to an adolescent mental health specialist.
What to Expect From a Mental Health Professional
There are several different types of treatment which are beneficial for relieving the symptoms of depression, including:
*Counseling – A licensed therapist or psychologist who specializes in treating adolescents is essential. Teenagers must be comfortable with their therapist in order to open up about their thoughts and feelings. It is important as a parent to trust the counselor with your child as well as to trust your child will be honest with the therapist.
*Medications – Antidepressants are effective at reducing the symptoms of depression in some teenagers. As parents, it is important to understand the reason for the medications, how they work and the risks and side effects that may be associated with the medications. In most situations, teenagers are treated with therapy before medications are prescribed, but in severe cases of depression, medication is usually necessary.
Outside of therapy, it is essential you encourage your teenager to participate in social activities, get regular exercise, and eat a healthy diet. Many teens are reluctant to open up with their parents about their feelings out of fear the parent will not understand, so it is important to let your child know you are there for them and support them. If you’re looking for professional adolescent mental health facilities in the Minneapolis area for your troubled teen, the “Company Name”, Inc. would be a good place to begin your search.