Hiring A Divorce Attorney In Silverdale Wa For Service By The Public

by | Jun 2, 2022 | Uncategorized

Your respective divorce attorney in Silverdale WA assists you with divorce proceedings if you are unable to locate your spouse. In these proceedings, you are required to make an attempt to contact your spouse to notify him or her that you intend to file for a divorce. Typically, this process requires an ad placed within the legal section of the local newspaper. Your attorney will guide you through this process to ensure that all checklist items are accomplished.

Service by the Public

In divorce proceedings where you are unable to contact your spouse or their whereabouts are unknown; an attorney will attempt service by the public. In this concept, the attorney presents an ad in the local newspaper to inform your spouse that you intend to file for a divorce. The ad consists of information such as when the petition was filed with the court, and the deadline that he or she has to accept the terms or contest the divorce.

The ad is required to run in the newspaper for at least six weeks to provide sufficient time for your spouse to make contact. If he or she fails to comply with this notification, your attorney will schedule a hearing before the judge to enable you to receive a finalized divorce. If your spouse does contact your attorney, he or she will proceed based on whether or not your spouse wishes to contest your divorce.

Local Law Office

The Law firm provide divorce assistance when you are unable to locate your spouse. Service by the public is a key element for these proceedings and allow you to achieve a divorce without complication. These attorneys are well-versed in these legal matters and will ensure that your divorce is finalized as quickly as possible.


You may hire a divorce attorney in Silverdale WA to assist you with divorce proceedings when your spouse’s whereabouts are unknown. These proceedings require more steps than traditional contested or uncontested divorce cases; however, with a skilled attorney you can achieve these goals. Your attorney will place an ad in the legal section of the local newspaper to notify your spouse of the divorce petition. This allows him or her enough time to contest the divorce.

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