Does My Generator Need to Be Repaired?

by | Oct 27, 2021 | Uncategorized

It can be difficult to determine whether your generator needs repairs. Unlike most other major appliances, it isn’t something that you use every single day. In fact, you probably hope that you rarely have to use it. The purpose of a generator is to offer you a means of keeping your most important services running even during a power loss. Because it isn’t used every day, you might not know it needs repair. However, it’s important to be aware of any issues and whether generator repair in New Jersey is needed.

Make Sure to Get Regular Maintenance

One of the best possible ways to ensure your generator is in great working order is by making sure you handle its regular maintenance. You should bring in a professional about twice a year. Once should be before storm season hits and the other after it is over. The contractor you hire will run tests to make sure there aren’t issues with fuel supply, stale fuel, or faulty connections. After the storm season is over, the generator will be checked for damage.

Testing on Your Own

While maintenance should be done by a professional, you can also do a few things to ensure your generator continues working. Every three or four months, take the time to switch on your generator for a little while. Pay attention to whether it starts up without any issues and sustains the power levels that are appropriate. You should also listen for any strange noises that might point toward problems. If there is anything amiss, have someone come out for generator repair as soon as you can.

Check for Damage on a Periodic Basis

Especially during the rainy season, make sure to take a look at your generator from time to time. Look for any physical damage that might be present that should be repaired. Any time there is a significant storm after it has moved out make sure to do a visual check of the generator. This should be done whether you experience any power outage or not.

New Jersey Generator Repairs

If you believe you might need repairs or maintenance of your generator, W. Danley Electrical Contracting should be your first call. We have been offering electrical services since 1921 and work with industrial, residential, and commercial applications.

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