Three Things You Can Do in Chicago With a Master’s Degree in Design

by | Jan 16, 2020 | education

You may want to consider getting a master’s in design if you’re an artistic person who appreciates visually stimulating items. Many well-paying job opportunities can open up for you if you have such a degree. These are three of them

Interior Designer

Interior designers are more focused on the inside of people’s homes than anything else. You could get a job as an interior designer if you wanted to. You could help people furnish and decorate their homes so that they create fantastic masterpieces.

You can also go the route of becoming a freelance designer. Freelance designers can work on a variety of projects without being confined to one company or style. You have a lot of options as to what you can do for a living with a master’s in design. Earning a degree will be well worth your investment. If you start now, you could be working in a career dream shortly.

Graphic Designer

A graphic designer is a person who can create gorgeous signs, flyers and logos for businesses and people. The demand for such professionals is high, so you will make a decent income if you decide to go for a graphic design job.

Fashion Designer

Perhaps you’d prefer to work with clothing. You can do so by getting a job as a fashion designer. A fashion designer is someone who collaborates with other people to create the newest and hottest trends in apparel.

Contact the School of the Art Institute of Chicago for information on degree programs and how you can best use them.

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