3 Non-Traditional Services Provided by Funeral Homes in Prairie Village, KS

by | Oct 1, 2019 | Funeral Home

Residents of Prairie Village have long depended on local funeral homes to provide traditional services. Area funeral professionals like Amos Family Funeral Home & Crematory have arranged thousands of classic services that included embalming, visitation, church services, and burial in a local cemetery. However, the public is not always aware that Funeral Homes in Prairie Village, KS also offer less-conventional options. For instance, they provide a full menu of cremation services. Staff members help residents create pre-need contracts. Some funeral homes even provide dignified pet cremations.

Professionals Will Customize Cremations

In the last few decades, many religions have relaxed their rules against cremation, freeing more people to choose the affordable option. With that in mind, Funeral Homes in Prairie Village, KS offer direct cremations that cost thousands of dollars less than traditional arrangements. Some customers still include visitations and then have bodies cremated. Direct cremations are popular because they make funeral planning easier. Families can conduct celebrations of life on their own timetables.

Experts Offer Pre-Planning Options

Many residents now make their own funeral arrangements with the help of experts. Funeral professionals guide customers who want to leave detailed instructions for their services. Many pre-plan so they can relieve families of difficult decisions. When customers create their own arrangements, they eliminate family arguments about their last wishes. Completing a pre-need contract also allows them to control final costs and make financial arrangements that ensure survivors do not have to worry about funeral expenses.

Funeral Homes Provide Pet Services

Pet owners often want to pay their respects to animal companions who have brought them joy. While some bury beloved animals in special areas on their property, it is not an option for others. With that in mind, some funeral homes now offer dignified pet cremations. They adhere to the same standards used for humans and ensure that clients get their pets’ ashes rather than the remains of a communal cremation. Many clients also choose memorial urns to hold pets’ cremains.

Most people are aware of the traditional preparation and burial services provided by funeral homes, but clients do not always know that the businesses offer cremation options. Funeral professionals also offer pre-need contracts as well as pet cremation services.

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